Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flyin' solo

Mommy left to go hang with some sisters in Florida so I got to be a single dad for 5 days. Armed with two girls, my camera, a wide-open schedule and the anticipation of selective editing, I set out to survive [primarily] and to document our adventures, mostly so that I could post the documentation online and make people think I'm an awesome dad with perfect and awesome kids [that's where the selective editing comes in]. So, between epic hairdo failures and mooching off of friends and neighbors, I took pictures of the other stuff we did. Here it goes, in order:


We went up to Kason and Maleb's house in the mountain to hang out and play. Little played her first hockey, but her Arizona roots couldn't match up to Kason and Maleb's Minnesotan heritage. Nevertheless, fun was had in abundance.

Then we went on a hike in what is essentially their backyard:

Pretty cool backyard.

The trail took us down to a spooky-awesome foggy waterfall covered in moss. Little decided to get her feet wet. I decided to let her. See how good a dad I am? She decided to throw in wet pants and shirt to go along with it.

And this being a Bay Area winter, we saw some newts:

Dude's like, "hey, hey, hey now, let's not get carried away here." I think this is when I offered Maleb a taste of fresh newt.

We slept in a cabin next to the house and went exploring some more on Friday, this time by bike [Little is now wearing Maleb's shoes and a sweater with no shirt... I won't mention what else she is missing at this point]:

The chestnut orchard and its iconic bullet-holed junker.

Downhill bike riding capped off the afternoon:

Two days down, three more to go.

1 comment:

Moriah Ashley Hastie said...

Your photos are amazing! And of course I always love reading or hearing your stories!