Monday, December 29, 2008

Portfolio... maybe

We are finally ready to compile a portfolio, we think. We have one on a 14-day free trial:

We're just starting to get it up and running, obviously. Let us know what you think!


Peg Lewis said...

Um, so do we have to log in and get an account to see yours?

trogonpete said...

nope, just click on the link [but the link might be broken if you're using Google Reader, use the link currently posted].

Katie Richins said...

That link actually doesn't take me straight to your galleries, but to the smugmug home page, then I searched pandalewis and found your galleries.

Beautiful! I'm glad you are finally doing this. I'm telling you again, these are better quality photographs than most wildlife magazines currently used and you could easily get some publishing happening. Have you submitted anything?