Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can you say TWO YEARS OLD??

Today during lunchtime, I decided to put Little's curtains up, which I have been putting off for a little over three months now.  While I was up in her room finishing up, she came in and grabbed our little red camping egg carton and said something about playing with eggs.  I said, 'Oh, cool' or something else equally nondescript.  You know, the sort of thing you say when you're busy and your kid tells you something that doesn't really require ALL of your attention?  So, when I was just finishing up, Little came upstairs, looking all wet and started washing her hands because she thought she was dirty.  I asked her why she was trying to wash herself just because she was wet...  This was when she broke the bad news to me--"It's eggs!"

When I came downstairs, this was what I found waiting for me (sorry for the veeeeeery bad pic):

She actually had the nerve to be proud of herself!

Now, I suppose I should go clean it up...sigh.


trogonpete said...


on second thought, maybe I won't come home early...

Real said...

heh heh heh

Angela said...

You have to admit it's pretty stinking cute....Of course, I can only say that because I'm not the one who had to clean it up.

Martie said...

How eggciting! That's eggsactly why I don't have a two-year-old! I'll bet from now on you'll be eggstra careful about being nondescript. You never know when that will come back to eggravate you later on.


brooke said...

This is awesome. I do that all the time.. "yeah yeah, that's cool McKenzie"..."WAIT!, What do you mean the walls look pretty?!!" Cute story. She is a doll. I hope Kenzie was nice to her today! Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it.

brittney said...

oh... my... goodness. Wow.