For the first time ever, we didn't leave town during a break. So we had two weeks to just... hang out. It was great. Here's a list of things we did:
1. Ninja boulder battles, with our house-bursting new beanbag
2. Many endless all-day beach expeditions, with attendant sunburns
3. Surfing... on a boogie board [for the fellins]
4. Snorkeling with honus [sea turtles]
5. Walking for >5 miles to see the albatross colony and monk seals at Ka`ena point, and to look for whales
6. A sports day at the park, wherein Buddy proved he can bike but claims to not want to
7. Reading--Daddy even read Moby Dick, and is now geeking out about cetaceans right alongside Buddy
8. Kite flying
9. Playing "whales" and tag in a major rain storm
10. Cliff jumping... from a kid-sized cliff, into the ocean
11. Rock climbing... on kid-sized rocks
12. Kayaking all day in Kailua
13. Scoping humpback whales off Makapu`u
And lots of food and festivities and stuff. It was great. Don't expect us to cancel our future travel ambitions or anything, but it was a great break. Pictures below!